Monday, April 22, 2013

How to lose one's self confidence in a matter of minutes.

Cover letters should be classified as a war crime. I have applied for 27 jobs in the last 8 days. At the present moment, I have received 3 calls, one interview, and am currently waiting for the phone to ring to complete a phone interview. I have received about 9 rejection emails, including one, which was sent to me 3 times, immediately following a very positive sounding phone interview where I was told by the interviewer that he was very impressed and would highly recommend that I be brought in for a face to face interview.  If this goes on much longer, I might lose my mind as well as my self confidence.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Birthday Wishes

Adam's parents are visiting this week, thus commencing a five week visitor season. In 37 days, there will be a total of 4 nights where we don't have visitors. Other people might consider this high level of traffic a little overwhelming. Those other people have likely had more than 4 in-person conversations with not-their-husband in the last 80 days.

I wonder what would happen if I ever decorated my house without a visitor/party/youareabouttohaveababy deadline. For the last 15 years, there has always been some event about a month or two after move in that has ended up dictating the decor of my house for the next 1-3 years. Or until the apartment catches on fire, whichever happens first. So, that has been what I have been up to lately.

In the meanwhile I had a birthday. We went to Yosemite for the weekend and it was perhaps the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me. I had a grand plan of coming up with 32 wishes for this year, but instead I came up with five:

1.  Get a job that is mostly enjoyable
2.  Go a whole week without crying
3.  Make a new friend
4.  Hug my old friends until they beg me to stop
5.  Buy a leather jacket

We will see how that all goes.